Leadership Coaching

Become the leader that others already know you are, whilst maintaining boundaries and your work-life balance.


Overwhelmed by your new leadership role?

It’s common to struggle in a new role; even more so when it is a leadership position.

Everything is new. Everything is different.

Your responsibilities have changed and now you might believe you don’t have the skills to undertake this role, leaving you feeling unsure and indecisive in front of your colleagues.


You are a competent leader.

Now is the time to realise your full potential.

You got the job; someone saw your potential and promoted you.

It’s just a matter of seeing it from that perspective, too.

Imagine having the confidence to lead your team effortlessly, knowing and understanding that your skills will help you thrive in your new role.

Leadership coaching is ideal to help your new position, and to help you explore your leadership style and create a supportive and functional team.

Breaking through your limiting beliefs and adjusting your mindset are imperative to a successful execution of this new leadership role.

Managing the various parties, implementing plans and delegating will become increasingly easier, allowing you to be in a demanding position.

Successful leaders are on a continuous journey of learning and building their self-awareness.


What does Leadership Coaching with Claire Claxton look like?

  • One-to-one coaching sessions via Zoom (or in person if location permits)

  • Sessions can be booked in blocks of six (typically 60-90 minutes each)

What do we cover?

  • Understanding your role as the leader; your skills and value

  • Identification of your leadership style and its impact

  • Contributing to the company’s success

  • Leveraging and developing your team

  • Building a support network

  • Managing peers and stakeholders

  • Maintaining work-life balance


 Also available:

The New Leader Development Package

A half day of coaching to help you to:

● explore the role of Leader versus Manager

● find your personal leadership style

● plan your success

 “I’m a bit of a chaotic person and I found my sessions with Claire to be an opportunity to explore my own thoughts safely, without fear of judgment. It really helped me figure out what was important and provided the opportunity to pause temporarily and refocus my energies.

There were times that I wasn’t sure of what my question / issue actually was but having Claire as an impartial “angel on my shoulder” was extremely beneficial, providing the constructive challenge that I wasn’t necessarily receiving anywhere else.”

Colina Wright. Chief Executive Officer at Sunderland University Student Union


Are you ready to become the great leader you’ve always wanted to be?